Thursday, 21 November 2019

Talk Talk - Life's What You Make It

Baby, life's what you make it
Can't escape it
Baby, yesterday's favorite
Don't you hate it
Baby life's what you make it
Don't back date it
Baby, don't try to shade it
Beauty is naked
Baby, life's what you make it
Celebrate it
Anticipate it
Yesterday's faded
Nothing can change it
Life's what you make it

How to survive information overload

Don't passively accept and engage to any content that appears in front of your eyes. Think first what about you want to read, then look actively for that information.

Don't infinitely scroll down the news feeds. Don't do it at all.

Don't read news that don't matter in your life.

Before start reading some article, regardless of how catchy and interesting title might be, ask yourself: Do I need to read/watch/listen to this now? Do I need this information now? How will I benefit from this content? 

Information filtering is the key! Automate this by passing this task to some AI-based PA. Define rules about which information/news matter to you.

Finally, be content creator, not (only) content consumer.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Mokranjac - 12. rukovet

Deka si bila danaske, Cveto,
vazdan ti oči ne vidov,
vazdan ti oči ne vidov, ludo,
ni zalog leba ne jadov.

“Naše sam lojze čuvala, Jovo,
i zlatan đerdan zatrla!”

Ne plači, Cveto, ne tuži, ludo,
ja sam ti đerdan našao:
na bister, laden kladenec,

Deka si ovce pojila, Cveto,
i mene mlado gledala!
Deka si ovce pojila, ludo,
i mene mlado gledala!

Aj! Aman, šetnala si, more, Jano,
aman, šetnala si, more, dobre.
aman, po ti tesni sokaci,
aman, po ti visoki čardaci!

Dušo, Jano, tugo moja,
srce kje mi zvadiš!

Aj! Aman, sitan biser beraše,
aman, pod grlo ga nosaše,

Aman, al bajader na pojas,
aman, džam šalvare od pojas.

Dušo, Jano, tugo moja,
srce kje mi zvadiš!

Da l’ nemam, džanum, da l’ nemam
ruse kose, majko-le, de?

Tvoj ti je, sin ti je, čifteli čapk’n,
al’ da ga najde, zlo da ga najde,
što behane najdo ja!

Po mehane pije,
po mahala spije,
nikad doma nije,

Da l’ nemam, džanum, da l’ nemam
crne oči, majko-le, de?
Tvoj ti je, sin ti je...

Da l’ nemam, džanum, da l’ nemam,
belo lice, majko-le, de? 
Tvoj ti je, sin ti je...

Cveće cafnalo, nine, 
u naša gradina. 

Cveće cafnalo, nine moj, 
u naša gradina. 

Kak da kajdišem, male,
da ga odkasnem. 

Žauno me, miuno, male moj, 
da ga odkasnem. 

Sedi moma na pendžeru,
svilu veze na đerđevu,
svilu veze, gajtan plete. 

Da ja znadem, moj gajtane,
da će tebe star nositi, 
likom bi te ja oplela,
a koprivom nakitila.

Da ja znadem, moj gajtane, 
da će tebe mlad nositi, 
zlatom bi te ja oplela, 
a biserom nakitila.

Da ja znadem, moj gajtane!

When I was in high school I used to sing in choir and this piece was on repertoire. It sounded something like this:

Good old days...What a fun we had! Big thanks to our professor of music Jasmina Neskovic.

Friday, 8 November 2019


First, a bit of trivia:

The club in Covent Garden where Smiths first played, Rock Garden, is now an Apple Store.
The Grave Maurice pub in East London is now Paddy Power betting store.

Morrissey - We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful - YouTube

We hate it when our friends become successful
We hate it when our friends become successful
Oh, look at those clothes
Now look at that face, it's so old
And such a video !
Well, it's really laughable
Ha, ha, ha
We hate it when our friends become successful
And if they're Northern, that makes it even worse
And if we can destroy them
You bet your life we will
Destroy them
If we can hurt them
Well, we may as well
It's really laughable
Ha, ha, ha

You see, it should've been me
It could've been me
Everybody knows
Everybody says so
They say :
"Ah, you have loads of songs
So many songs
More songs than they'd stand
We hate it when our friends become successful
We hate it when our friends become successful
Oh, look at those clothes
Now look…

 some retail chains reportedly said glasses-wearing shop assistants gave a "cold impression". 
the topic has led to heated debates on social media. 
It's all about gender. It's pretty discriminatory. 
"Women are evaluated mostly on their appearance," she said. "That's the message that these policies are sending, at least."

"When you wax or shave or sugar, you are causing microscopic trauma to the skin," says Gunter. "We see cuts, abrasions, infections from pubic hair removal as well."

it has announced that extra points will be awarded for coming to work in the NHS. 
The cost of applying for a visa would also be reduced from £928 to £464 for medical professionals, and they would be guaranteed a decision within two weeks

Lewis's own show at a working men's club "went really well", his mother Natalie, 38, said. 
A documentary on him is on the BBC iPlayer and will be broadcast on CBBC
"Drag is amazing for me. All the negativity just disappears. I'm on that stage in front of people. It makes me feel like I'm wanted in the world. 
After "years of bullying and a prolonged and difficult estrangement from his biological dad - Lewis has finally found the strength" to be confident in his own skin.
Yet another story which shows what happens when boys grow up without fathers.

He conned her using a well-practised tactic before they even met - saying he was stuck at a petrol station and had an issue with payment for his fuel. He then claimed the petrol station staff were racist and police were attending. 
In just one day, Chloe gave him almost £600 - but he wanted more. 
"I said, 'No, I have no more. I can't, I'm a single mother of two children on my own,'" she says. "He became malicious, hurtful, quite personal." 
Feeling she had no other choice, she pawned jewellery inherited from her grandmother for £600 and borrowed a further £400, taking the total amount he scammed from her to £1,600.
"He played on the vulnerability elements because he knew I was looking for a loving, meaningful relationship," Chloe says, reflecting on his approach. "He suggested to me that he was [looking for that] as well and it made me want to help him more." 

I have no sympathy for people being scammed in this way. How come they don't realize it is a red flag when someone you've never seen or met in person asks you for a money?

Asylum seekers: Home Office taking 'substantially longer' on claims - BBC News

Ellie Gould murder: Thomas Griffiths stabbed teen after she dumped him - BBC News

The pair were A-level students at Hardenhuish School in Chippenham, had known each other since Year 7, and been in a relationship for three months
"We welcomed him into our home. We ate dinner with him," 

Australia bushfires: Record number of emergencies in New South Wales - BBC News

Is this linked to climate change?
Australia's fire season risks growing longer and more intense due to climate change, according to scientists. 
Officials have confirmed that 2018 and 2017 were Australia's third and fourth-hottest years on record respectively. 
The bureau's State of the Climate 2018 report said climate change had led to an increase in extreme heat events and increased the severity of other natural disasters, such as drought. 
Even if global temperatures are contained to a 2C rise above pre-industrial levels - a limit set out in the landmark Paris accord, agreed by 188 nations in 2015 - scientists believe the country is facing a dangerous new normal. 
Last year, a UN report said Australia was falling short in efforts to cut its CO2 emissions.

Crossrail Delay: Line will not open until 2021 as costs increase - BBC News

Crossrail's hopeful "opening window" of between October 2020 and March 2021 just got slammed shut. Now it'll open "as soon as possible in 2021".
This has gone beyond embarrassing into the ridiculous.
And then there's the extra cost.

Megan Rapinoe's fight for equality - BBC News

She's using her platform to lead the fight for equality in sport in terms of racism, gender and sexuality.
She's excited to see Sue and comes over to give her a kiss.
We settle down to talk about racism, equal pay, LGBTQ+ rights and the possibility of a career in politics.
She used her acceptance speech to draw attention to a range of issues, including racism in sport.
"If there's ever an instance of racism, if every single player on the field is not outraged then to me they're part of the problem,"
Rapinoe came out in 2012. She's since used her platform to highlight issues facing the LGBTQ+ community.
"Contrary to what the last election taught us about people totally unqualified getting put into office, I don't think that should be the norm and I'm gonna put myself in that category - I don't quite think I'm qualified.
"It takes talent obviously and so much knowledge and skill to be in politics."
She adds: "I will certainly continue to be involved and to use my voice in any way that I can."
Brain implants used to fight drug addiction in US - BBC News

"Addiction is complex, there are a range of social dynamics at play and genetic elements and some individuals will have a lack of access to treatments so their brains will slowly change and they will have more cravings." 
overdoses are the main cause of death for under-50s in the US. 
Neuralink has now applied to start human trials in the US, with electrodes inserted into the brains of patients with paralysis. 
And Facebook is supporting research that aims to come up with a headset that can transcribe words at a rate of 100 per minute, just by thinking. 
"This is not for augmenting humans and that is very important. This is not a consumer technology.
Nuisance neighbour played Born Slippy on repeat - BBC News

Uxbridge stabbing: Teen was killed at knife awareness course - BBC News

Srbija investitoru fabrike čokolade u Novom Sadu daje 14 miliona evra, oni garantuju platu od 300 evra | Novosadski informativni portal 021

država svojim subvencijama pokrila troškove plata za čitavih pet godina.
"Ako će država dati 12 miliona evra u roku od pet godina, to je u proseku oko dva miliona godišnje. Ako su plate oko 300 evra, za 100 radnika to će biti 50.000 evra bruto mesečno, odnosno 600.000 evra godišnje. Dakle, investitor već ima profit", kaže ovaj ekonomista.

Ovako nesto se nikada ne bi moglo desiti npr u UK. Ovde mnoge lokalne opstine ne finansiraju cak ni Novogodisnju rasvetu nego se oslanjaju na donacije od privatnih firmi.

Drobnjak: Da se na autoputu dozvoli brzina do 150 kilometara na sat | Novosadski informativni portal 021

On je objasnio da to znači da će se na delovima autoputa gde je znakom predviđeno 130 kilometara na sat tolerisati vožnja do 150 kilometara na sat, a da će na delovima gde je maksimalna brzina, primera radi, 100 kilometara na sat, moći da se vozi 120 kilometara na čas. 
Drobnjak je naveo da je zakonom predviđeno da je maksimalna brzina na autoputevima 130 kilometara na sat i da će tako i ostati.

Kako je rekao, neće se menjati zakon, ali će se prekoračenje brzine od 20 kilometara na čas, ukoliko se nadležni saglase, tolerisati.

Cemu onda zakon? Zasto pravite od Srbije zemlju u kojoj se tolerise nepostovanje zakona? ALO!!!

Los Angeles 4K - Night Drive - YouTube
LA is both magical and horrific at the same time.

Skid row - Wikipedia

The term skid road originally referred to the path along which timber workers skidded logs

L. A. Skid Row: Blueprint of an outrage - People's TribunePeople's Tribune

at the very bottom of the bag were two of Tommy’s possessions: a plastic tarp, still in its original packaging, and a clay figurine of Jesus.
This is a stealth war against the homeless, powered by real estate billionaires and messaged by Democrats who weep about the homeless and then evict them—or evict them and then weep to their constituents.

ONE VOICE OF REASON - Officer Deon Joseph - Medium

Sometimes I hear voices. A lot of voices. Some tell me to hate myself, others tell me to hurt myself. When you came around those voices got really loud. But there was one voice in my head that kept telling me you were a good man. That’s the only voice I hear right now. I don’t know about tomorrow though. But for now, thank you for what you try to do for us… A-Salaam-Alaikem


a Skid Row bud of mine I’ll call “Sweet Pee” because she is has a sweet childlike heart and mind for a 40 year old. Unfortunately because of this, many on the street take advantage of her and steal her money and medication. 

AP PHOTOS: Skid Row, a battle of misery and hope

The area, originally agricultural until the 1870s when railroads first entered Los Angeles, has maintained a transient nature through the years from the influxes of short-term workers, migrants fleeing economic hardship during the Great Depression, military personnel during World War II and the Vietnam conflict, and low-skilled workers with limited transportation options who need to remain close to the city's core

(46) How dangerous is it to walk by Skid Row in LA? - Quora
